This trick will ensure your bra is fitting perfectly
It’s not easy to find the right bra size. Many women end up with bras that are too small. But what if there was an easy way to tell if your bra is fitting you? There is. Although there are many methods for fitting bras, this is the easiest way to determine if your bra fits. This is how it works:
It sounds a lot like a dance move, but this simple step-by-step method will allow you to determine if your bra is suitable. Let’s get started.
Step 1: Put your bra on.
Step 2: Move forward to allow your breasts to fall into the cups naturally.
Step 3: Put your right hand in your left cup, and hold the bra’s band with your left hand. Gently lift your breast tissue upwards into the cup, so that the wires are flat against your ribs.
Fourth Step: Straighten your body and let your breasts fall back into place.
Fiveth Step: Continue on the opposite side.
After you have completed these simple steps, you will notice one following. Your breasts will either be pushing out of the cup or the sides. This indicates that your bra may be too small.
Below are some courtesy curvy Kate images showing how bras can look snug but can become a mess once the adjustment is made.
Before Scoop and Swoop (Wearing 10FF)
This bra appears to fit well to the naked eye. There is no bulging, puckering, and the breasts appear fully covered. This is because the model hasn’t yet performed the scoop and sweep method to ensure that the bra holds all of her breast tissue. The bra is only currently ‘placed’ above her breasts.
After Scoop and Swoop (Wearing 10FF):
You can see that the breasts are now fully covered by the cups. The wires are now sitting on top of the breast tissue in central, meaning that the model must try a different size.
The model is shown trying to increase her cup size.
Before Scoop and Swoop (Wearing 10G)
Most women would reject this bra if they tried it on. There is space near the straps at the top and the fabric is puckering because it has not been filled properly. This bra can be transformed using the simple “Scoop and Swoop” method.
After Scoop and Swoop (Wearing 10G):
The bra fits perfectly and the model is now showing off her breasts.
Every time you wear a bra, this should be done, not just when trying out new styles. To ensure the perfect fit, every bra should require pulling your entire breast into the cup. You should also note that bras should fit properly. Your breast tissue should not slip back to its normal position.
What’s the secret to what happens inside the cup? Curvy Kate has provided another diagram that shows how putting on a bra and leaving your breasts alone is not enough to provide the right support. The bra is pushing down on breast tissue, not lifting it. You can ensure that your bra and wires do the job they were meant to, giving you the best support and lift possible by using the Scoop and Swoop technique.