The Dos and Don’ts of Wearing and Buying Lingerie
Lingerie can be beautiful but also terrifying. It can take the world of undergarments into a new realm for some. Garter belts? Teddies? Balconettes? Chemises? There is more to lingerie than just bras and underwear. There is no better time than the present to learn lingerie and shop while you are at it.
Journelle’s brand representative was kind enough to share his tips and tricks with us about tackling these sometimes intimidating underpinnings. These tips will help you, no matter if it’s your first or second time wearing lingerie. See what this expert has got to say about buying and wearing lingerie.
Do it: Have an expert fit you
“My first piece of advice is to be properly fitted for your bra size. Don’t be too focused on your bra size. Bra fitting and lingerie are all about finding the right size and styles that fit you well. As most of your support comes from the band, it’s crucial to make sure there is no gaping at your cup.
“Don’t worry about your measurements. You can wear what feels most comfortable for you. It will look great on you, I promise.
Do it: Make your Lingerie Wardrobe from the Ground Up
To build your wardrobe, invest in great-fitting, stylish sets if you are a newbie to lingerie. This includes a T-shirt bra and a plunge bra. These are your lingerie rockstars, so make sure you take good care of them.
“If you are a lingerie fanatic, then go for the WOW factor. You don’t want to miss out on a set that’s extravagant, with suspenders, a sleek bodysuit, or revealing bottoms you love so much. You don’t need to spend a lot, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be extravagant. It can also be something unexpected and not practical. It will delight you long after it’s unwrapped.
Don’t rush to buy the 3-piece garter set. Take your time and get to know yourself and your comfort level. Next, go all-in!
Do: Search for high-quality fabrics
There are many things you should look for when shopping for lingerie. The technical aspect of the garment is important. It must fit properly, be high-quality, and have a solid construction. But it is not enough. This is where silks and laces, unique embellishments, design and construction all come in to play.
You’ll feel amazing every time you wear it.” It will make you feel amazing every time you put it on.
Do you love the set that you’re wearing?
“Lingerie should be the first thing you wear in the morning. You need to love it.” You must love it. This is not only about fit and style, but also how you feel attached to certain pieces. This starts with love for what you wear. You will be taller if you choose the right lingerie set, one you love.
Remember that lingerie IS FOR YOU. Wear only styles that make you feel amazing.
Do not handwash your lingerie
“I cannot emphasize this enough: Handwashing lingerie is the best way to care for it. Although it sounds tedious, it is quite simple. Add a cupful of gentle lingerie wash to the sink basin. I like the Linden Lingerie Wash ($18), which we made together with The Laundress. These girls are skilled at caring for delicates. After rinsing, you can gently squeeze the water out and then lay your pieces flat to dry.
Bras can be placed in a drawer. Place them behind each other and make sure clasps are secured and cups are not turned upside down. Hanging delicate pieces such as chemises or lace should be done on special hangers made for them.
Do not dry your lingerie in the dryer.
Change your lingerie with the season
“Lingerie is a fashion because there are specific pieces that can be adapted to the seasons. Our Journelle Gemma Bodysuit was a prominent part of my fall and winter wardrobe. It can be worn underneath sweaters or shirtdresses, and peeking out from silk blouses.