Lingerie brands
Lingerie brands
UK brands secure the pedestals. While I was collecting votes, number one and number 2 were fighting for the top spot. I was prepared for them to share the first position (they both had been on my top-three list). The very last vote tipped the scales.
A trend that is becoming more popular is the fact that bloggers are naming ethical reasons for their choices, in addition to design, quality and fit. ” … you’re supporting a small, ethical brand, which is more important than ever,,” says Cora Harrington (founder of The Lingerie Addict), about Christine Lingerie. Cora mentions moral standards when talking about Playful Promises. “This brand walks the talk and talks the talk when referring to inclusion, and they also make beautiful lingerie. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.
#1. Studio Pia. 15 votes
Studio Pia’s collections are amazing. They have both blown my mind with their creativity and originality. No pun intended, the SS19 Diara ranges are dominated by the ‘hands embroidery’ used for Mira and Mira. “This was the best thing I saw in lingerie country this year.
It is hard to disagree. Their first collection is still a big loss for me. I also missed their Soraya design which was my second favorite. It’s the most beautiful and intricate piece of art I’ve ever seen. They just released their fifth collection and I cannot help but notice Naida design.
They have beautiful designs and great quality. I also love the way they can make things for people from all over the world. They have voters from 8 countries and 3 continents. Even their very first pieces, which were made in 2017, still look great.
Studio Pia is very transparent in its efforts to sustain and treat workers ethically in its supply chain. See other reviews and Instagram spots on the Studio Pia page.
#2. Bordelle. 14 votes
Bordelle is just one vote away from being the first place winner. It’s always a hit when creativity meets quality. Bordelle creates a distinctive product that is easily recognized. They are not one of the few people who will settle in a “safe place” and become boring. They can heat up the desire to wear their pieces as outerwear. It’s amazing,” Tatyana Koycheva, Garterblog founder, says.
Bordelle also received one of my votes. I own both Allegra and Kendo bras (the latter I have yet to review, but is my brief video of the Allegra bra . Their Moa and Wilde designs have won my heart.
Bordelle has a varied group of voters, slightly heavier in smaller cups (only one voter has a large-sized coffee cup though), and with even more diverse geographic backgrounds.
Bordelle’s dedication to craftsmanship is one of my favorite things. I am always amazed by their innovative patterns, custom accessories, bespoke embroidery, and the time they spend perfecting each design. Take a look at their Insta post, where they describe how they developed a new technique to embroider the signature elastic straps. You can read other reviews and check out their Instagram spots on my Bordelle page.
#3. Agent Provocateur. 9 votes
Agent Provocateur was my first choice when I thought of luxurious lingerie. It seems that many of the brand’s fans remain loyal, especially in its home country of the UK. Milk In Armour blog states, “I am someone who prefers to stick with one maker regardless of the product it is.” When I started my lingerie collection, my mind was open to buying from different brands. I didn’t know much about quality or fit, so I had to create my “lingerie identity.” This is a huge deal for a blogger who loves lingerie.
Unfortunately, the brand’s products do not fit me well. Most of the designs are sized from a B cup and I am an A. So is my recent review. It is interesting to note that nearly half of the brand’s votes were from small-busted people. Rest of the votes came from medium-sized bloggers, with no votes coming from busier bloggers. See Instagram spots on the Provocateur page in my catalogue. Read other bloggers’ reviews.