Bra Sizes Explained: How Bra Sizing Works

“I’m D cup”, “She was big enough to hold a handful of people”, “My sister, a G cup”. These are common phrases we’ve heard, but Einstein wisely said that it was all relative.

A person with G cup breasts and 32 bands will look very different from someone with a Gcup and 38 bands. What’s the science behind all this mumbo-jumbo?

What does bra size mean?

You will need to measure the underband and the cup. The relationship between these two measurements determines your bra size.

Let’s break it down.

Imagine you are a or ’36E’.

The prefix “36” refers to the underband measurement, which is under your bust and around the ribcage. You would then measure 34-36 inches.

The letter represents the difference in inches between your overbust and underbust measurements. If your overbust is 41 inches, it’s 5 inches less than your underbust of 36 inches. E is the fifth letter of the alphabet. Therefore, you are an E-cup. Are you still blown away?

It’s so simple.

But there’s more…

If the bra you are looking for is not available in your size, it may be possible to buy the same one. This is Sister Sizing.

Sister sizing explained:

The 32C has the same capacity as the 34B. A 32B has the same capacity as a 34A. Do you see the correlation? It’s possible to go backward as well – a 36C cup has the same volume in the cup as a 34D.

Change size in a band and cup size.

Please take a look at the chart below to see our point of view!

It’s easy to do. Just for fun, see the chart below:

If you’re a C-cup, your body could be the same as an A-cup. It all depends on how big your underbust is. Are you confused?!

Bra support explained:

Bras are designed to provide the most support for the size of the bra. You can use narrower straps and thinner elastics if you have a smaller breast to support and a smaller frame.

If you have larger dogs, you will need to use stronger wires, straps with a wider bust, and more construction. You’re welcome.

Sometimes it can be not very pleasant to see the online B cup model and find that the bra you order arrives completely different in your size. Don’t worry; it’s all for the ultimate purpose of supporting your dogs.

How to determine your bra size

This is just a guideline. It requires a tape measurement, a well-fitting, non-padded bra, and possibly a mirror.

1. SugarCandy’s easy-to-use fit calculator can be found on the SugarCandy website (click Fit Me* menu). It will calculate your SugarCandy size.

2. With the tape measure parallel to your floor, measure your underbust. You can use a mirror to check your measurements or ask a friend for help (bad friends will not work).

3. Use our calculator to calculate your results.

4. Measure your overbust. This is the measurement across your fullest part. It should also be parallel with the floor. It would help if you held it firm but not pulled too tightly, so it doesn’t dig into your bust.

5. enter your results into the calculator, and voila!

There are sizes for everyone.

This algorithm uses a clever algorithm to determine your size. It calculates the relationship between your underbust & overbust. Clever, yes?

The tape measure may not be the best method to determine your size if your bust is larger than normal.

Find the perfect fit.

Okay, you are in the fitting room. You think your bra fits or is very close to fitting. Here are some things you should check as you go along:

1. Let’s start with the underband.

  • Are you feeling the bra pulling up on your back? If so, reduce the band size.
  • Do you feel the bra is too tight around your body? If so, increase the size of your bra. This will tell you if you can breathe.

2. Now, the cups. It would help if you did not have the wires anywhere near your breast tissue.

  • Are your breast wires visible? If so, increase your size.
  • Does the top cup dig in? If so, increase your size.
  • Are you seeing a wrinkling in the top cup? If so, adjust your straps.
  • Does your bust feel supported (aka nipples facing inward)? If the answer is no, you might need to adjust your bra style to be more supportive or structured.

These simple steps will help you find the perfect bra every time.

Some bra styles may not be right for every body type. Like a jean style that isn’t right for everyone.

Find what you love to wear and work out what you can do.

  • A nude tee bra is great for those who like white t-shirts.
  • A plunge bra with a low front could be a good choice if you prefer to wear scoop neck tops and plunging necklines.
  • Try a bra with a more triangular shape if you have sloped shoulders.
  • A balconette bra is for you if your set is wider.

Final take:

No matter your breast size, shape, or body type, there will always be something for you.

There are many bra brands available, each with its sizing. Many brands offer different sizes, and each brand has a variety of styles and seasons. Sizes can also vary between styles, seasons, and even day-to-day.